Home Learning
Try one of these fun activities if you're bored at home on a rainy day.
There are lots of ways to get ready for writing, try some of these activities at home.
There are a wealth of fantastic websites out there to support parents / carers with their child's learning and development. Here are some of our favourites;
Children's language development and parenting advice - BBC Tiny Happy People
Learning to talk 1 to 2 years - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
HighScope At Home | How to continue early childhood education
Share a Story Corner (worldbookday.com)
Games by Learning Area: Maths & puzzles - CBeebies - BBC
Words for Life | National Literacy Trust | Words for Life
Learning to Count with these fun Counting Games (topmarks.co.uk)
staying healthy
Healthier Families - Home - NHS (www.nhs.uk) has plenty of fun, physical ideas for children at home to ensure they are staying active, with a focus on indoor games.